Repetition (Common Sense)
Noticepetal shapestrumpets smalltrumpets largebeauty repeatsin substanceand in spacewhite andwhitetexturedots blackdots copperexclamationmarks smalllarge againtrumpetsunity
Noticepetal shapestrumpets smalltrumpets largebeauty repeatsin substanceand in spacewhite andwhitetexturedots blackdots copperexclamationmarks smalllarge againtrumpetsunity
Dragonfly (Estimation) This salt-and-pepper dragonfly (I think she’s a common whitetail) chose my salt-and-pepper granite stair for home. Would the blue ringtail dragonfly hang out more, if I painted the granite with black and blue stripes?
Home-9 (all) When you enter an empty room do you register what you see? Rarely, I think, unless its emptiness shocks you. The room is, well, empty, therefore it is unlikely to contain anything or anyone you seek. Why would you bother to study it? A photograph of an empty …