Common Threads (Imagination)

Common Threads (Common Sense) I planted these flowers together (Echinacea purpurea ‘Razzmatazz’ and Geranium sanguineum ‘Rozanne’) because they share two common elements. The first element? That raspberry color so obvious in Razzmatazz, and so delicate in Rozanne.  The second? A slightly twisting curl. Again, showy in the reflexed petals of …

Focus (Common Sense)

Focus (Common Sense) If focus were all that important to a designer’s success, then why on earth would God have designed so many flowers? I mean, they all do the same thing: make pollen, attract pollinators, get the pollen to the ovaries, and make viable seed.  Once you’ve designed a …

Whither thou goest (Imagination)

Whither thou goest (Imagination) I feel the wind change first, then spot the train. It thunders and screams into the station in a diesel-scented cloud. It shrieks to a complete, silent stop. In one scenario, I impetuously board the train, pay the extra three dollars for the ticket and travel …

No blog today (Common Sense)

No blog for a few days, while I deal with a minor health issue. Sometimes the best photo is no photo at all! If you are interested in guest blogging, drop me a note, 100-200 words and a photo, and draw our attention to a bit of magic in your …

Time Traveler 1917 (Common Sense)

“Farmers are hit by war gardeners”, and disgusted by low prices, they plow in their crops. “War not creating so many jobs for women as public supposes”. Pages from the Boston Traveler, July 26, 1917, stuffed in the walls of an 1871 home for warmth. World War I era poster …

I thought you were gone (Imagination)

I thought you were gone (Imagination) Under a canopy of heart-shaped leaves, I planted a remembrance garden of white flowers and foliage. You can read my garden if you know the plant names, and I could not resist planting the pure white iris “Immortality” here even though the light was …

Nightlights (Memory)

Nightlights (Memory) Her recital dress hangs half dead, forgotten on a mudroom peg. The dress remembers, though. Its sequins cast dancers on the walls when evening light falls like music at the window.

Moss Flowers (Fantasy)

Like the summer-shaved head of a small boy, moss calls me to scrub my hand over its surprising stubble softness, to soothe my seriousness with its velvety tickle. Today, I restrain myself. The moss blooms! Its stringy, goofy flowers nod their burgundy heads to one another, wave, giggle and delight …

Cobweb/Leeks (Estimation)

Cobweb/Leeks I (Estimation) What are you photographing? I have containers outdoors filled with sempervivum (“live forever” or “house leeks”), and a mix of sedums. Sedum album ‘Murale’ is in bloom now. So, I thought I would photograph that. Taken by the delicacy of its bloom against the coarse sedum and …