Welcome to Inner Wits
- common sense (an ability to formulate a model from a variety of input from the external senses),
- imagination (the ability to form images of things in our minds),
- fantasy (the ability to conceptualize and visualize things that have not been experienced),
- estimation (or instinct, a subconscious, perhaps innate “knowing”), and
- memory (ability to recall past experiences).
So why is this important to a photo blog?
When we understand what impels us to make and share images, we make better images. Yes, the gear helps make it possible to capture the image. And technique helps make the image legible. Rules of composition, technical perfection, the magic moment, the perfect light… we’ve come to accept these as the holy grail of salable images.
Yet, images that possess none of that still rise to the level of art, win Pulitzers, and change worlds.
Images that engage our inner wits engage our desire to create meaning. Once that happens, our willingness to travel with the artist increases, and we can be moved — however slightly — we can be moved into a new relationship with our world.
My definition of art starts there.
Finding one’s unique voice starts there, too.
In this blog, a kind of daily journal, I am simply going to post a photo, and tag it with one of the inner wits. Sometimes an essay, observation or poem will accompany it. Experiments and conversation-starters these entries are intended to inspire discussions about the artistic value of connecting the inner wits to outer expression.
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